Some doctor advice to achieve healthy weight loss and maintain it

Weight loss is not an easy thing and of course there are many ways to lose weight, including what is common and new ones, but at the end we will find that weight loss - whether it is little or much - is one of the most common health and fitness goals. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey conducted in the 2013-2016 period, nearly half of Americans have reported trying to lose weight in the past 12 months.

 This desire to lose weight leads to countless strategies and methods, some of which are based on good science and other quick solutions supported by questionable "gurus" and commercials late at night. But recent research published in the journal Obesity has attempted to identify effective behavioral and psychological strategies shared by people who have been able to lose weight and keep it away.

 The study analyzed participants who maintained 20 pounds or more of weight loss over three years and found many differences that separated them from their less successful peers. In addition to healthy eating, these differences included developing strong habits of healthy eating and exercise, self-monitoring, and psychological coping strategies. These common features not only resulted in a longer period to maintain weight loss, but also resulted in less effort in maintaining weight loss.

Dr. Jason Desher, chief physician at MOBE, a company that links people with specialized health profits, says that there is no secret that preserving lasting weight is a challenge. "This study shows that a person's whole approach to weight management is crucial - we need to contain stress in one's life, habits, sleep patterns and mental well-being." "Interestingly this study promotes the success of weight loss, not just calories and eating". "An ideal diet can be nullified if there are no other factors in a person's life, such as exercise, sleep, and emotional health, do not match."

Form strong habits

Any successful long-term weight loss program requires a person to develop lasting habits. Doing so reduces the chance of significant weight fluctuations or restoring lost weight. In the study, those who achieved the most success reported the strong habit with regard to healthy eating and exercise. makes sense. But how do those habits shape?

 "Attitude and effort are the two main ingredients for any success," said Dr. Duscher. "Decide what you want for yourself, be true to yourself and be good to yourself." Remember: You make your own choices, so if something matters to you, discipline will help you protect it.

One of the best ways to form good habits is to make it easier to maintain health. Keep your kitchen full of fresh vegetables, lean meats and whole grains, as well as snacks such as nuts and fruits. When hunger strikes, you will be ready. And if you need to remove something from your diet, Dr. Descher recommends that you replace it with something you enjoy.

 "It is harder to get rid of a whole habit," he explains. Instead, try replacing it with a better option. For example, if you eat when you are bored, do a different activity to replace a snack routine, such as walking or spending time on a fun pastime. You may get the same level of comfort from your new choice as you would from food.

Dr. Duscher states that "progress is never linear." "We are going ahead and sometimes get lost. This struggle is completely normal for everyone. Do not choose to quit smoking because of relapses, just make as many good choices as possible, and keep going."

watch your progress

There are several ways to monitor weight loss on your own. In the study, people found success by tracking their weight on the chart, tracking calories and setting a specific daily calorie goal in an app like. You can also record your exercises. The main point is to pay attention to your decisions and note how it affects your progress.

Dr. says. Desher: "Having a plan, identifying steps toward a larger goal, and measuring progress helps us see and feel success." "Success looks good, and this motivates us to do more."

Deal with psychological stress

Any change in your life can cause stress, including changing your diet and exercise habits in an effort to lose weight. But learning about healthy coping mechanisms can make those stressful moments dissipate. In the study, specific coping strategies included thinking about past successes and staying positive if you hit a bump in the road and regained some weight.

Dr. Duscher suggests: "Pay attention to your big and small achievements." Then set aside some time to acknowledge and celebrate these accomplishments. By focusing on the things, you can influence, you will gain strength over your circumstances and learn to accept what you can and cannot control.

It also helps you pay attention to your thoughts when you feel stressed. Identify the problem, and check if there is a more positive way to look at the situation. Dr. Descher suggests writing steps or resources that can help you solve the problem. He says, "Be honest and kind to yourself while you evaluate healthy behavior."
To sum up,
When trying to lose weight, it is easy to focus only on versus calories. But achieving a healthy weight loss is more accurate.

"When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet and understanding our appetite, it is important to consider the science and psychology involved," said Dr. Duscher. "With more knowledge about how nutrition works, we can control our diet and feel healthier and more comfortable. Our heads should lead us, not our stomachs."

Some doctor advice to achieve healthy weight loss and maintain it
Some doctor advice to achieve healthy weight loss and maintain it

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